How To Get The Excel XLStart Folder Quickly

After you install Excel, it will create a special folder that is called the XLStart folder. If you save an Excel workbook file in this folder, when you open Excel, it will open the workbook saved in this folder as a template for you to edit.

However, we always do not remember the Excel XLStart folder’s absolute path and it is not easy to find it (because it is different in different OS). This article will tell you how to find it quickly.

1. How To Get The Excel XLStart Folder Absolute Path Quickly.

  1. Open Excel and click the Developer tab on the ribbon. If you can not find the Developer tab on the ribbon, you can read the article How To Enable Developer Tab And Write VBA Source Code In Excel.
  2. Then click the Visual Basic icon in the Code group, it will open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Application window.
  3. Click the View —> Immediate Window menu item on the VBA window top menu bar.
  4. Then it will display the Immediate Window at the bottom of the VBA window.
  5. Input the command ?Application.StartupPath in the immediate window, and press the enter key.
  6. Then it will show the Excel XLStart folder absolute path under the command in the immediate window.
  7. When you run the command on Windows, it will generate the output like below.
  8. When you run the command on macOS, it will generate the output like below.
    /Users/songzhao/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Excel
  9. To run the command successfully, you need to put the mouse cursor immediately after the command.

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